Who should reduce consumption first and most?


There are planetary boundaries for human consumption. Nature and ecosystem are the basis for people, society and economy. Total consumption of material things and goods have to be reduced. What brain network may you shift into to accept alternative values and beliefs - to material growth and consumer society? This article 3 about Ecological Solidarity Economy.


The illustraton shows there are large inequalities

The inequalities are between groups in each country and between income rich and poor countries. United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 10 of 17 says: Reduce inequalities. This is a thinking frame and value about justice. What do your thinking brain network understand out of the illustration? Shift to your creative problem solving circuits in your imagination brain network? Shift to your creative problem solving circuits in your imagination brain network? What feelings and ideas come up? Do rage, fear, grief emotions emerge and hinders logical thinking? Does your brain create denial? Of inequalities? Or denial of that total material growth and consumption ought to be reduced?

What is fair share of costs?

The illustration may show it is obvious that the richer should pay most of the costs, and reduce their consumption most. 20 percent of the world richest use 77 percent of consumption.

Oxfam has made the illustration below: The richest 10 percent results in 50 percent of CO2-emission. They have a huge potential to reduce consumption - and CO2 footprint.


Individual and system failure

Too much material consumption is both individual and a system failure. Consumption is in infrastructure and transport. Consumption is in production, distribution, sales and marketing.


Blame – others are worse than me!

There is an idea that others need to reduce consumption before me! An alternative belief is that everything helps. Your example counts and inspires others. Many small steps in the same direction may create a huge difference!


What is your opinion?

(See more in next article 4 on Ecological Solidarity Economy!)

Read more in my book: Kreativ i ekstremvær



Do you want to experience a test session on how you may shift brain networks and be more creative in climate and biodiversity solutions, contact    helge.christie@gmail.com