What is alternative to consumer society?

Nature is the basis of society and economy. Level 1.

Nature is the basis of society and economy. Level 1.

The illustration shows that nature is the basis of society. There are planetary boundaries for human consumption. Nature and ecosystem are the basis for people, society and economy. Total consumption of material things and goods have to be reduced.

Too much material consumption is both individual and system failure. Consumption is in infrastructure and transport. Consumption is in production, distribution, sales and marketing. Here are 7 beliefs to reflect on:


1)Companies in consumer society have many unsustainable strategies

How do we organise the material circulation and energy flow in society? This is a complex system that is more than the sum of its parts: Short term durable goods. Goods with built in weaknesses. Consume and throw. Short life cyclus products. Short life cyclus of supermarkets. The result may be a waste society. Without system to repair.


2)»Forgotten» accounting in the CO2-accountings

The United Nation’s climate process focus on CO2-emission. Countries are reporting their CO2-emission and targets for reduction. They will come up with new target numbers for reduction in the desember 2020 meeting.

What are «forgotten» to count in the CO2-accountings: Airplane fuel is 4 times cheaper than car fuel (in Norway). Plane, ship, truck fuel are accounted in the country of production. While consumers in importing countries don’t get reduction quotas on that. Biological carbon fixing in forest trees and agriculture soil is «forgotten» in the CO2-accountings.


3)Tax on energy use

However, another kind of measure is to tax. More tax on energy consumption and less tax on use of working force. This thinking way will shift economy from energy consumption to use of labour. Labour hours are needed to repair and create solutions. Investment in technological solutions has a tendency to use more energy. What are CO2 footprint and total energy use of always building new supermarkets to attract consumers? Even when they source sort materials and recycle – there is a lot use of energy and CO2-emission.

Always is the question if it is impossible for one country to do it unilaterally. They will compete out themselves. But one country can start - others may follow. The best is mutilaterally, through UN, OEDC etc.


4)Circular economy is a part solution

We need a reparation society, recirculation society, reuse society. We need a resource economy, recycling economy, equlibrium economy, regenerative economy, ecological solidarity economy. Life cyclus analysis means to shift brain network from details - to the whole system, step by step in a circle or spiral. Economy should look for renewable local resources of biological diversity in short local circuits easy for people to understand, monitor and improve. Let you inspire of permaculture harvesting principles in the wilderness, and let the rest of the ecosystem untouched and intact. Alternative goal to increase GDP is needed: Ecological balance within ecosystem boundaries. Social, just, equal, democratic, solidaric distribution, taxing, decision making - that build trust.

Linear versus circular economy

A circular economy is an economic system aimed at eliminating waste - and continual use of resources. Circular systems employ reuse, sharing, repair, remake, refurbishment, remanifacturing, and recycling to create a close-loop system, minimising the use of resource inputs and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions. The circular economy aims to keep products, equipment and infrastructure in use for longer. All 'waste' should become 'food' for another process: either a by-product or recovered resource for another industrial process, or as regenerative resources for nature, e.g. compost. This regenerative approach is in contrast to the traditional linear economy which has a 'take, make, dispose' model of production.

When tapping in to a resource – use all its parts fully and recycle all the materials.


5)System failure need more than circular economy – system solution

There may be planned dissatisfaction, fear, grief over lack of material tings of your neighbour, create new needs we don’t have - create urge to buy more – consumers hope to get the feelings of being satisfied, lucky and happy. Psychological marketing to increase consumption, create consumer seeking for unlimited growth in material consumption. First overproduce one-time use goods. Then trigger our seeking emotion motivation to buy more of the overproduced things. Advertisement and promotion may increase consumption. New sales arenas like Black Friday, Halloween. Should Christmas become a plastic and neon light consumer feast?

System failure must be solved with system change – parallelle to personal attitude change – when enough people become conscious, motivated and claim it.


6)The needs test of basic needs and artificial false needs

Ask: Do we really need it? Look at consequences for nature and climate. May we be happy without? Do we need it for each person? What could common solutions look like?


7)Wholeness balancing brain network

We need aternative attitude and mental frame: Stop consumer society, consumerism and overconsumption. At first we may see quick fix «solutions». However many processes are complex. Every case is concrete, with lots of details, varieties and nuances. To get insight in complex processes, first we need to use brain network of thinking and brain network of imagination. Then we have to shift into the brain network that balances imagination and thinking, and my view and the view of others. That is the wholeness-balancing brain network, salience network. It is a value and empthy balancing network. In many women it is developed by age of 28 years, while many men may reach this insight by 40 years. However we may exercise it and become better version of humans. We may exercise attitude change and mental beliefs and frames: Exercise to observe, accept, and then find something to appreciate: Be happy when you consume for basic needs and less abundance and over-use. Give experiences instead of toys. That will boost your kid's intelligence and happiness.


What feelings, thoughts and sensations pops up in your mind?


Read more in my book: Kreativ i ekstremvær



Do you want to experience a test session on how you may shift brain networks and be more creative in climate and biodiversity solutions, contact    helge.christie@gmail.com