Limits to growth or «sustainable growth»?


What mental frames do you have about «sustainable growth»? Is it a sleeping pill that confuses and hinders honest climate action? The MIT report «Limits to growth» came in 1972. Already in 1978 came «The world commission on environment and development» (Brundtland report). It launched the concept of «sustainable growth». This seems still 41 years after 1978 to be the mental frame of most «green shift» economy. Is «sustainable growth» still dominating over «limits to growth» thinking pattern? Is that good enough? No! We need alternative thoughts/feelings to material growth. Here are 6 steps, from personal to system change:


1)Values and respect

Humans have a primary motivation emotion and urge for seeking more of everything that may be helpful now or in the future. (According to Jaak Panksepp, The archaeology of mind). This might be difficult to stop. But people may consciously change the direction of it a bit: Place a mental meta frame upon the primary emotion. Humans are allowed to think, aren’t they? It is a change of attitude and mental frame: When people have satisfied some basic material needs, it may be a good idea to stop consumption before material overconsumption and luxury. It is good logic to stop overconsumption - when the resource base is limited.


2)Develop your wholeness-balance (salience) brain network!

Relax, stress down, be in the present and be aware the flow of your thoughts, feelings and sensations – and observe without judging or defending, accept resources are limited, and find something to appreciate. Appreciate and be happy for instance to consume less material abundance.

After material growth, it is time for immaterial possibilities. Mental and emotional development of human potential. Next level of humanity. Develop your wholeness-balance-value-intuition or salience brain network. Access this brain network to be more thankful, humble, generous and abundant. When you have these values – it is Ok also to be proud. Your wholeness-balance-value brain network may make you more happy with yourself, work and life. You don’t always need to buy the newest and consume more material to feel good. In stead of world wealth index we should look for world well-being, happiness index.


3)A better word than «growth»

The word «growth» is so tightly linked to «material growth». In stead of «growth» it may be better to «produce, develop and satisfy needs»? Change from more to smarter. From more material growth to social, cultural development and potential. From quantitative growth to qualitative growth without growth in materials circulating and energy flow.


 4)What kind of curve in stead of growth in GDP?

Material growth of total GDP, production and consumption of matter and energy flow have ecosystem boundaries and are unfit as goals for economy. Stop to use GDP as a measure for economy and development. In stead of growth of materials in circulation – there is balance, equilibrium. This means we have to help with shifting brain network, mindset, think, feel pattern. An alternative goal to GDP may be – produce environmentally friendly, fair and just distribution of wealth, in balance with nature and people? Tripple bottom line may be: How to balance, put nature and people first – and balance so there is income to invest in the next step? Use economical resource- and balance accounting and budget. Clever use of what we have – and not more.


5)Add or substitute?

Material growth as goal may be changed into produce according to limits in nature, within boundaries. Change that substitute unsustainable into environmentally and social friendly solutions and products is a good idea. But when the ecosystem is limited: Then it is not a good idea to grow the sustainable in addition to and still keep the unsustainable practices. Substitute with the new and stop the old and bad!


6)System solution to system failure

A system with the failure that it needs unlimited growth has shown to be heavy to change. A conscious plan of alternative is needed. Ban and tax bad old practice. Give economic support to transition, so the old are not going bankrupt. A conscious plan with intention and will – is an alternative to free market.


What is your opinion?


Read more in my book: Kreativ i ekstremvær


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