Tripple brain networks to reach tripple bottom line?


How may you use your brain networks to create ecological solidarity economy? How is the mindset to put nature and people before profit – while going bankrupt is no alternative? Do we need to shift to value, respect, attitude? Do we need to shift from thinking and imagination brain networks to the balancing wholeness brain network? Do we need tripple brain networks to reach tripple bottom line?


Sustainable development is defined as ecological, social, economic sustainable development. This is a balance of three parts: Ecological, social and economic. Thus we have a trippel bottom line: Nature, people, economy. Planet, people, profit. All environmental and social costs should be internalised in the economy: All environmental life cyclus and social costs should be taken into account in the price of products.

Today many environmental and social consequences are not taken into account in the economy. Environmental and social costs are hidden and externalised in the economy. Tripple bottom line may mean: How to put nature and people first – and balance so there is income to invest in next step?


What if this is a question about value and respect?

Balance how much respect for nature: Respect of inherent own value: How much respect for nature, people, money? Has nature its own value? Has people its own value? Has money its own value? How do we balance these three values? How do we prioritise the three areas of sustainability?


Our logical and executing thinking brain network is effective to count and measure numbers and money. However, maybe 50 percent of wake time our brain is in the imagination-feeling-fantasy brain network (default mode network). When we focus on thinking and doing, our thinking executing brain network get tired and automaticly switch over to the imagination network. It happens again and again during our wake time and working time.



What happens when we shift to: «Has nature its own inherent value?» What is the price of nature? We may say: The ecosystem has natural boundaries, feedback mechanisms and tipping points. In this way, we may use our thinking brain network to understand some mechanisms in nature, and count some symptoms and numbers. But short term profit again and again seems to overrule the efforts to respect and value the value of nature. We need to shift from logical brain network into the value-wholeness-balancing-awareness-empathy-intuition brain network (salience network). This brain network balances the thinking brain network - and the feeling-imagination-fantasy brain network. It balances interests of you self and others.



And how much value and respect should be given to people, employees and workers? United Nation’s Sustainable Developmenmt Goal (SDG) number 10 of 17 says: Reduce inequalities. Is it a just share when most of world population is poor or middle income – while number of billionaires are increasing? The thinking brain network is effective to increase income of the leaders and the few on the income top. Which brain network is needed to reduce inequalities.? Yes we may account how to share profit among the poor and middle income people. But will i t be executed? No. We need to shift from logical brain network into the value-wholeness-balancing-awareness-empathy-intuition brain network (salience network). This brain network balances the thinking brain network - and the feeling-imagination-fantasy brain network. It balances interests of you self and others.


What is your opinion?


Read more in my book: Kreativ i ekstremvær


Do you want to experience a test session on how you may shift brain networks and be more creative in climate and biodiversity solutions, contact

Source of inspiration:

Jakobsen Ove D., 2019: «Økologisk Økonomi».