Are you victim of the «either-or»-rhetorics?

What is the main tendency and what are special cases?

What is the main tendency and what are special cases?

Toxic communication within climate debate number 6 (continued):

Are you victim of the «either-or»-rhetorics in the climate debate? Does some in your team split and rule - in "we and them"-rhetorics? Do you use it yourself? In the climate debate this is one of 8 toxic communication technics we may look for, avoid and go beyond. In the debate on climate, biological diversity, food and other sustainable development issues, we may see toxic communication, based on myths about the one and the majority. The normal distribution in the Gauss curve shows the majority in the middle (green) - and the minorities on both side (red), that also should be respected.


VI: Either-or, «we or them» polarisation, generalise, objectify – split and rule


23.Either-or, generalisation and blanket statement, put label on others

«We or them». «Black or white». «Either-or». The action of one become changed into the behaviour of the majority. The nuances, details are forgotten. Reality is often something mixed, in the middle, between, and in changing movement.

Solution: Stick to the truth in the concrete example. Be critical to generalisation and oversimplifying.


24.Treat «us» different from «them»

What their own group of people do is OK. But when other people do the same - it is not OK. They may have double standards. And they dislike and avoid to follow mutual rules. They may not accept and respect others. They have a challenge in to find a balance between self and others.


25.Lack sense of quantitative proportions

They lack sense of numbers. «If one – then all» may be an illusion to conclude from one example to all other situations. It sometimes is difficult to compare numbers.

Solution: Put right proportions on things. Look for the highest and most important numbers first, in stead of looking for the smallest. Look for the majority of examples first. The majority is the mid part of the Gauss curve. The rearest are only exotic details and exceptions. And respect also the minorities, but they are not majority.


26.Focus on number in stead of change

They may stick to a fixed number, to statistics. But a number is often not only a fixed number – it may change during time. Some times it is a linear line between past and present, and between present and future. Then it is a false illusion to only mention the number – and avoid telling the change over time.


27.Linear line illusion is often false

Prognoses and curves may have different forms. It is easy that we think everything happens in a linear way. But everything that doubles, will grow faster than we often think. And past development that we are used to, may disappear. Prognoses and curves may have different forms. It is easy that we think everything happens in a linear way. But everything that doubles, will grow faster than we often think. And past development that we are used to, may disappear. The curve may be convex. The curve may be concave. The idea of - one time, means always – may often be wrong. Fantasies and illusions may be cognitive distortions.

Solution: Think that stright lines may often change direction. You have to do deeper research before you find fact. Seek truths from facts. Concrete analysis of concrete relation, situation, example.


28.Deliberately misrepresenting thoughts and feelings of others – mind reading

When you express your thoughts and feelings – they generalise into: «Oh, so you are perfect?». «So, I am a bad person?» They install in you a sense of guilt, when you attempt to establish boundaries.

They jump into conclusion based on their own triggers rather than step back to evaluate the situation mindfully, observe without judgement, listen without defending or attacking.



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