Corona virus, Maslow’s needs and system error solutions

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Abraham Maslow developed 5 levels of human needs: Survive, safety, social belonging, self esteem, – and self actualisation. How are they visible in responses to corona virus? How are the corona measures functioning to solve the 5 people’s needs for system error solutions?



Maslow need level 1 means: Keep healthy and survive. We see the numbers of people in quarantine, tested, infected, in hospital, dead. How effective are the governmental measures? How clever are the ideas of industrial handling of animals – and global free movement of goods and people – without looking at consequences for nature and people? How effectively are people practicing their responsibilities, following common rules as collective in the society?


2)Safe, secure:

Maslow need level 2 means you feel your needs are taken into account. You look for a safety net around you. Is it open and flexible for your needs? How are health insurance and welfare state functioning for your needs? You look for your nearest, family, collegues, friends – are they safe?

Unsafety, fear is hurting this need.


3)Social group belonging:

Maslow need 3 level means to include, group affiliation, binding, bonding. Are all in your group seen, heard, given a voice, and have some fun and humour together? Do you see care and humanity, kindness, friendly people?


4)Self esteem:

Maslow need level 3 means respect, and that means mutual and reciprocal respect both ways between people. How social just and fair are sharing of corona responsibility, burden and gain? Reducing inequalities is United Nation’s sustainable development goal number 10 of 17. In which degree is it used in practice in corona situation? Does humanity have enough wealth to let the 1-10 percent richest and tax heavens keep the wealth – while the majority and poor struggle from payment to payment?

Trust, legitimity, acceptance of the corona measures are very tight linked to the first 4 levels of needs. It is a step by step process from survive, feel safe, experience your needs are included, it is mutual respect. When these steps are satisfied, your trust in others increase. Then people’s interest in being part of the solution process increases. People become ready for next level needs. Very often trust is lacking: People experience that leaders are deciding measures where their needs are excluded. Solutions for the rich elite and companies – while too little solutions for common people. And if trust is buildt step by step – people will be much more interested in creating together:


5)Self actualisation, unleashing potential

Use potential for science, art, helping each others. Co-create a better future. Think and learn. For instance how to avoid new epidemies? How are different problems linked together: Corona virus, climate change, wildfires, reduction of biological diversity, plastic oceans, air pollution? Go from symptom fixing to substitue system level errors with better system solutions. Use your values to create a better world together with others. Each person is unique. What if all were allowed to use their best talents for common solutions every day? What if corona and climate and biological diversity are solved together? That is a next level. The bad corona may be turned into positive listen to nature thinking and solutions. Create hope that spreads optimism and enthusiasm! Play and have humour and fun when you create new solutions!

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