Choose your values to rule 2020-2030 !

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I guess the future will be full of downs and ups! You may aim to create a better world, better versions, and move up! Here are 4 steps to a better 2020-2030 future:

1)Predict or create future?

2)Listen, include, co-create

3)Values as motivation triggers

4)Pride, trust, and responsiblility in 2020-2030?

1)Predict or create future?

What prognosis do you follow? If you predict the future, you may adapt to your predictions. Then it is a self fullfilling prophecy. Is that the future you want? OK! Follow that road!

An alternative is if you are uncertain about the future – then create it in your way you want it every day – and you will achieve something of what you want.

2)Listen, include, co-create

To create the future you want: The world is created by people - and may thus be changed by people: Start local with some people that agree. Go together with other same minded people and co-create. Asking what they want is a key. Through deep listening and dialogue you may form your own future - or at least an important part of it. You may call what you need - for compassionate communication, empathic communication. This is dialogue from bottom up. Potential good ideas are possible to emerge. You are local and self organising. Local from bottom up initiatives are needed for common solutions, common goods, common future – good life for all.

3)Values as motivation triggers

People are motivated by different triggers. Triggers may be linked to deep primary emotions or values connected to them. We may want to motivate employee engagement. Then a good idea is to listen and appreciate what others do and say. Are the person driven by primary emotions like seeking, rage, fear, lust, care, grief, play – or diverse variants of these? Ask why their wish is important for them. The why-question triggers values and meanings and beliefs to pop up. What values are motivating different people? Some are most motivated away from current situation. They are on the move away. But they may not know where to move. They may move – but in a blind direction. A lose canon? Others are motivated towars an attractive vision or goal. They have a direction. Maybe they lack the first steps and strategies. Help them! When you mix together a large enough emount of away from motivation and towards a goal motivation – you may have enough energy to execute a change process. You may create - a pearls on a line process: Motivate, enthusiasm, mobilisate, engagement - for common interests. Congratulations! Time to celebrate and dance!

4)Pride, trust, and responsiblility in 2020-2030?

Create a local engagement that may influence your future: As people master to create the future they want – they feel pride. Permanent micro successes may be to jump from one small dopamine wave to the next. Then test this balance: Create the first step or part goal small enough to master – and large enough to feel challenge and attractive enough to work hard for.

As people are included and respected – they experience trust in the solutions they create.

They take responsibility for own future – and feel they are responsible. Isn’t it that they need to feel trust first, then they increase their interest to take on responsibility for co-creating the common project? Before trust – it is little interest to take responsibility? This is a self enforcing circle: Pride, trust, and responsiblility. In fact you may bring part of the future into just now!

What is your thought-feeling on connectedness between values, trust and responsibility?

Read more in my book: Kreativ i ekstremvær:

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