Greenwashing, false green economy, shift and mistrust


Un-balanced one-eyed «sustainability» is a child sickness. We have to understand that ecosystem is the base, economy is only a top upon the base. Ecological basis of economy should be to use resources within the bondaries of nature, without breaking ecosystem boundaries. There are consequences for the natural base, for natural ecosystems. It is boundaries of the planet. Ecological boundaries and social, moral, ethical values and goals should lay as the basis of the economic system and rules.

Here are 5 steps to go from false green to wholeness sustainable. (Article 8 on Ecological Solidarity Economy):

1)Greenwashing means to wash so it looks like it is green

But inside it is still the old un-green. False sustainable or false green is when you say it is green, but when you research it, the green is only words. Enviromental friendly and sustainable words may be diluted or drained off their original important meaning. Greenwashing is when it is false green or sustainable: «Old wine in new bottles.» People see that «The emperor has no cloths.»

2)Greenwashing is a dead end street

There is a choise along a scale of two options: Deep – or fake green economy. Green economy often focus on reducing negative symptoms. It may hide, confuse, obscure, or place a carpet of fog above the cause of system failure. I propose the alternative to false green economy may be Ecological Solidarity Economy. That is because sustainable development has three aspects: Ecological, social, and economic sustainability. It is more than economy with a green marketing label.

3)When big capital turn green, everything get fault?

Sustainable development really needs to become mainstream in economy. Since «Silent spring» (Rachel Carson, 1962) and «Limits to growth» (MIT, 1972) the world has cried after a more sound economic system. World leaders, capital and resources have focused on economic and material growth. Crisis of clima change and reduced biological diversity have become more serious year after year. Now we may see a shift, the green shift. Big money are going green. Large private profit for something that looks green only at first eye cast - may be fossile disguised in green coat.

As soon as there is big money, the forces are so strong and unbalanced that the nature and local population often will lose. We may hope this is a child sickness. One result is that people get mistrust into solutions that are labeled «green» and «sustainable». However what is needed is more trust in common solutions for climate and nature. United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 16 of 17 is: Peace, justice and strong institutions. I propose strong institutions are instituions that obtain and win trust by people.

4)Beyond greenwash and false sustainability

Does integrated or one-sided one-eyed sustainability motivate you? Is it enough to have a green label? Focus at one thing at a time - and destroy other sustainable development goals? If we focus on economic growth and private profit first – what happens to ecology and social relations? The alternative is to go deeper. Look for wholeness and long lines. Sustainable means to balance diverse values, goals, criterias: Ecological, social, economical. The green shift may mean to shift into something more durable and sustainable. Next level of capital going sustainable – is when it has to listen to ecology and social conditions. It means to put nature and people before profit. That is unusual for big capital. But it should be possible. People have made the economic system. And people may change, amend and improve it. Start now! Experiment!

5)Alternative to greenwash

Honest, real, deep, qualitative sustainability is to use the wholeness balance brain network. Sustainable development is to be multifasetted, multidimensional. When we solve one ecological problem we should avoid destroying another. Solve climate by destroying nature is a bad idea. Solve climate and nature by placing too heavy burdens on majority of people may be difficult. Placing too much burden on the majority while the super rich capitals go free is a bad idea. Therefore a wholness balance of nature, people and economy is a good direction. Think a mixture of nature and people before profit. Precationary principle, act before problems, prevent, avoid creating new problems. Think alternative route to solve problems, reduce hazard and risk. Such alternative is in the wholeness balance perspective network of the brain (salience network).

 What mental frames do you have on false and deep green?

Read more in my book: Kreativ i ekstremvær


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